So life has been a bit busy around here. I set my incubator going with some eggs (12 ea of Barnevelders, Sussex and mixed) we ended up with 16 chicks, not to shabby for our first run especially considering with the novelty factor I kept peaking in when I wasn't supposed to. The chicks are now in their brooder and are about 10 days old. The incubator has been reset with just mixed eggs. Aren't they cute.
As with life on farmlet there is always life and death, this is a good thing for the kids to experience. We unfortunately lost one of our sheep. Hope was one of the first 2 Border Leicesters we bought onto the property, she had a girl last year (Faith)and twins this year (Tramp and Lady) she was also a great wet nurse for one of Chastity's twin girls which she rejected. It was very sudden, she was fine Monday afternoon and by Wednesday midday was down with an exploded udder with gang-green from mastitis and died about 6.00pm. (warning icky photos)
We also have a new member to the family with a friend arriving tomorrow. This is Donald and tomorrow Daisy will arrive. They will be pets ( I know more pets lol) but further down the tract I hope to have some Indian Runner Ducks for breeding.
OK so that does the farm. We had a holiday over on the Yorke Peninsula with the Johnson's and we took the kids to the Minlaton Show. The kids had a fantastic time and it was great for mum to spend some time with Aunty Dee. The kids started back at school this week after 2 weeks of holidays (2 weeks really doesn't seem like enough). They had swimming school for the primary school kids and My big High School girl did her first mentor teaching this week. She as been doing so well (3 A+'s) that the home economics teachers have asked her to be a mentor teacher for this terms master classes. She is so excited and it has given her such a confidence boost and anything that excites a child about school has to be good in my book.
My knitting and crocheting has been an absolute disgrace and we wont even talk about the spinning and dying. I have so many projects on the go. I have decided that I really shouldn't start anything else until I finish something in this list. lets see I am currently knitting: A handspun jumper for Ian, a play jumper for David, a skirt for Akielah, a cardie for Kenishia, 2 boleros for me, socks for David, and the forever ongoing Civil war Shawl for fun. Then there is the endless dishcloths I am crocheting and I have started a table cloth too cause I am just sick of the brown one we have and I cant find another one big enough that I like. Now the weather is finally getting to be nice I am hoping to spend some time out in the fresh air working my way through this list.
The garden is still a work in progress, I have lots of seedlings I am hoping to plant this weekend (Lord and rain permitting). I also have 5 more fruit trees still waiting to go in.
I also have a great new app for my phone. Youversion is a bible and devotions app that has lots of different versions of the bible (even talking ones) and lots of devotions too, I can flag and mark verses for future reference too. I have been trying to make this part of my daily routine and so far so good. Even got to put some of the verses into action and use them in daily life with the kids. The app can be pretty much used for any Internet type phone, go have a look here, its free I highly recommend it.
I hope you like the new look.
Well that's it from me today, catch you later
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